Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sunday Scribblings-Three Wishes

You'd think it would be easy to come up with three wishes out of the multitude of things there are to wish for. Of course, the most important ones come instantly to mind, the ones that exist like constantly offered prayers to whatever higher powers we belive in - health, happiness, peace on earth. Then there are the more personally directed wishes - to be a better wife/mother/daughter/friend, opportunities to pursue music and writing to the best of my ability, time to enjoy all the fruits and flowers of the earth. And of course, there are the perfectly selfish and somewhat ridiculous wishes - to spend a month by the sea in southeast England, to lose 15 pounds before the class reunion in August, to find the diamond earring I lost somewhere in my bedroom last year.

So I'm going to wish for all those things (it's three wishes times three, is that allowed?) Then, for my "official" wishes, I'm going to ask for three things totally out of the realm of possibility. Here goes:

1. To see heaven, or whatever happens after death. I'd like to know what's waiting for me when I go gently into the night, and who is there ahead of me;
2. To travel back in time - not very far, actually, perhaps about 50 or 60 years, to see how I (with my personality and talents intact) would have turned out, coming of age in a different era;
3. To live life over as a completely different person, perhaps a succssful novelist with a little cottage on the eastern seaboard, a small but loving family nearby, and several small dogs to keep me company at my keyboard.
There they are, wishes aplenty. But, as the old saying goes, "If wishes were horses, we all could ride." I may not be able to gallop off with any of mine, but it's fun to sit in the saddle.


Blogger Laini Taylor said...

I liked the one about living life over as someone else -- not that I don't love my own life; I do! But every book I read, every movie I see, I'm reminded how many different kinds of lives there are, and it would be neat if there were some way of experiencing more than one!

Blogger susanlavonne said...

I especially like your last three...I have always wanted to live different versions of my own in a booming metropolis, one someplace completely remote, etc. So I guess I cheated too by added more of my own wishes on your blog....tee hee.

And while I'm at it...I wish that you find your diamond earring THIS WEEK!

Oh wait..I lost a pearl that makes three wishes...perfect ;-)

Blogger Tinker said...

What fascinating and creative wishes - thank you for some fresh food for thought!

Blogger Jennifer S. said...

fun, interesting wishes...

Blogger meghan said...

Great wishes! I love that all of them were about seeing what else might have been possible - other lives, other upbringings, pure belief. This was lovely!!

Blogger Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Now those are some far out wishes, and by far the most original I have heard of in a very long time!

Blogger lisrobbe said...

All of your wishes were wonderful. I especially lie the one about living life as someone else. That is on my long list of wishes too, though it was not in my top three.

Blogger Susannah Conway said...

what a lovely post - i'd like to know what's waiting for us when we go gently into the night too... and if one of your wishes comes true - to live for a month in England - do come and visit me won't you :-) thank you for the kind comments you left on my blog today - ~ they were just what i needed to hear, so thank you again

Blogger Javacurls said...

Very creative wishes! I think it would be absolutely fabulous if we could all experience the wishes you mentioned!

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow... those are great wishes! I wish I'd thought of them.

Blogger Pioneer Woman said...

This was a fun read.


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