Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sunday Scribblings-Inspiration

I love the ancient meaning of the word inspiration~to "breathe life into." In Christian history, the Bible was the book "inspired by God," who "breathed the words" into the hearts, minds, and quill pens of the scribes.

When we talk about inspiration in the 21st century , we think of getting ideas, becoming motivated to do something, often artistic or idealistic in nature. Since I started writing last year, I find myself much more receptive to the possibility of inspiration. When I read Mary Oliver's poetry, suddenly the natural world comes alive, sending sparks into my own imagination. The delicious prose of author's such as Julia Glass, Jodi Picoult, Mary Gordon, and so many more whose words I devour like rich chocolates, starts setting off word explosions in my own brain. As I spend evenings wandering through the wonderland of artists that is the "blogsphere," I feel inspiration tugging at my shirtsleeves, urging me onward to express myself in my own prose or poetry.

When inspiration comes to call, I eagerly throw open the door and welcome it in. But I have noticed it can be rather shy, and, if greeted too exuberantly, will sometimes run back into the corner of my mind to gather itself together before making a reappearance. So I've learned to treat it with respect, and allow it time to become comfortable with my way of doing things.

How dull life would be without inspiration. From the simplest of thoughts to the loftiest ideas , inspiration motivates us throughout life. It's not limited to artistic endeavors, but includes all the exciting ideas that we think of to enrich our lives and the lives of others. It is the breath of the spirits~of creativity, generosity, excitement, joy, and wonder~that inspires us to live life to the fullest in every way.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting that writing itself opened you up to the possibility of inspiration — usually, it's the other way around. ;)

Breathing meditation helps me keep centered and focussed until inspiration arrives. Interesting connection to the breath!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your writing.....and your blog!
I'll be back again to read more.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becca, this is such a lovely post. I'm so glad you commented on my blog so I could come find and read this.

That click you just heard was me adding you to my blogroll - hope that's okay.

Blogger Bibi said...

Yes! Without inspiration life would be so dull and we would just be going through the motions. Great post Becca.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post--I loved following your inspirations--from poetry to fiction to blogs to the world!

Blogger Shaz said...

I love the word inspiration and your meaning for it :)

You are a sweet breath of inspiration. x

Blogger Unknown said...

I love that you personify inspiration in this post.
Your words offer me inspiration.

Blogger Jone said...

"inspiration~to "breathe life into." I like this definition. I so agree that writing more frequently opens us to receiving inspiration along with being in a virtual community of writers. Thanks for visiting.

Blogger Julie said...

I can relate to the shyness of inspiration. Too often I have scared it off as well and stand quietly hoping it will find me friend, not foe and return.

Blogger wrchili said...

I agree, a life without inspiration wouldn't be any kind of life at all. Your post is inspiring in itself :o)

Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

So true Becca and you can use this wonderful post for inspiration at "One Deep Breath." lol I love how God uses breath to inspire. HUGS

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you, I found that my mind opened to inspiration when I started to write...I remember walking slowly along by a river on a summer's day and realising that because I was writing in my head I was noticing my surroundings in a new and fantastic way. I really liked your post - thanks for the inspiration!


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