Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sunday Scribblings-Goodbyes

Since this is the 200th post here at The Byline, I thought it would be fitting to look back on some of the goodbye's I've said since I started my blogging adventure.

  • With my friend Pat's retirement, I said goodbye to our 14 year old working partnership. She keeps promising (threatening??) ideas for several new projects which will "require my assistance," so I'll probably be saying hello to a new collaboration before I know it~
  • And since my job sharing partner at the office decided to take an "indefinite leave of absence," I said goodbye not only to her, but to most of my free time as well, since I haven't been able to replace her~
  • I said a particularly wrenching goodbye to a young man I met during my years working with Pat, a young man so brilliant, but yet so troubled, he ended his life exactly one year ago~
  • On a much lighter note (pun intended!) I said goodbye to most of the 10 pounds I'd managed to put on over the past few years, and with them, said a very fond goodbye to several pairs of "fat pants" with elastic waist~
  • And today, when the wind is whipping around my house like a demon, and the temperature is a finger-numbing 6 degrees, I am looking forward to saying goodbye to winter, hopefully sooner rather than later!

For more goodbye stories, go here



Blogger Julie said...

Happy 200th!

I'm so glad to hear there is a good chance you will be teaming up for some musical fun with Pat. And hooray for those extra 10 pounds taking a permanent vacation.

As for the weather, I hear you loud and clear. Minus 1 F right now here (and another week's worth to come, or so they say). The best defense is a good offense; find a blanket and a book and refuse to leave your chair! (also ,the warmth of a laptop can be a good thing)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a fine way to remember your friend who departed much too young.

Congrats for the success in weight loss and good luck in your other ventures. It's cold here, too. brrr
I'm enjoying meeting others via Sun.Scribblings. This is only my 2nd wk. Very nice post.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, 200 posts! That's great.
Saying goodbye is never easy - except when weight is in question! LOL.

Blogger gautami tripathy said...

Wish I could say goodbye to my weight!

Blogger gautami tripathy said...

I feel so bad for your friend who went off so early..

Blogger megan said...

Congratulations...on the faithfulness to reach 200 posts...on the diligence to lose 10 pounds...on the vision that includes the sad & mysterious, along with the happy & hopeful.

A couple of weeks ago I was randomly reading some of your posts and came across a mention of the book, poemcrazy. Wanted to let you know that by mentioning it, you opened up another word door for a couple of far. Thanks.

Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

Woohoo! Big 200! You have had a busy year but yeah to losing 10lbs! I hope it warms up soon and you and Pat do something magical. HUGS

Blogger angie said...

I like how matter-of-fact this post is, covering all the aspects of that heavy word, "goodbye." Congrats on losing the weight! And yes, we have -2 here today, brrrr. I am ready for warm weather too!

Blogger Alessandra Cave said...

Becca! I like how light hearted your post is... (a pretty good diversion from mine, I should say). Maybe I should be borrowing a few more lines from you one of these days... :)

Blogger Unknown said...

You're not the only one who wants to say goodbye to winter. Sorry about the more serious losses.


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