Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Scribbling-Phenomenon

I've never really been one to get obsessed with any cultural phenomenon, not even those pecuilar to my era...The Beatles, for instance. Oh, I liked them well enough, but nothing on par with my cousins, whose turntables spun their lp's endlessly and whose walls were plastered with pictures cut from every fanzine published about them.

Since I've lived for half a century now, I've seen quite a few phenomena come and go. I'm always amazed at the lengths people will go to indulge their obsessions, and of course, the Harry Potter craze is certainly no exception. Like everything in the 21st century, it's bigger and more fantasmagorical than anything in my memory. I feel as if I'm admitting to heresy when I say that I'm not a huge Potter fan...ok, truthfully, I haven't read any of the books. (I started to read the very first one, and I got so upset at the way Harry's mean Aunt and Uncle treated him that I had to put it aside!) People told me I should have finished it, to see that they got their comeuppance...but I don't know, I think I had a huge stack of other books calling more loudly to me at time.

Maybe my life would be more exciting if I could throw myself wholeheartedly into these types of phenomenal trends. I'm certainly not arguing that J.K. Rowling's huge success is a phenomenon, as was the Beatles. But I guess I'm just more comfortable observing these phenomenal success stories from afar, while I putter around in my totally non-phenomenal life.

more phenomenal scribbling here



Blogger January said...

I'm not one for phenomena but I do like jumping on the bandwagon every now and then. Like you, I'm not one for Harry Potter, but I have to admit that did buy an iPod a while back. So I guess it depends on the latest craze.

Blogger Regina said...

I'm not much into phenomena either, Becca. I read the first three HP books but after that, I pretty much got the picture. Having said that, though, there will always be these phenomenal occurrences throughout our lives- and that's a good thing!

Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

I don't take part in phenomena like those, but I do like my blog time. I don't even own a cellphone. LOL


Blogger Crafty Green Poet said...

Whos is this Harry Potter of whom you speak? If JK Rowling didn't live in the same city as me, I doubt I would have even heard of him! I think her own story is amazing and the books are great for getting children interested in reading.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with crafty. JK Rowlings has made kids get back to reading.

Tolkiens, cs lewis, enid blytons are back on self and selling like hot cakes too.

Blogger Deirdre said...

I'm not one for fads either, even phenomenal ones, but I did love the Beatles. I read the first HP book and it was enough for me, too much quidditch (sp?). The movies are just right.

I think maybe a more exciting life isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sometimes curling up in a cozy home with a good book is the better choice.

Blogger Paul said...

It is true how these things come and go. But it's interesting witnessing what may well be the demise of a phenomenon as we are currently here in France.


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