Wednesday, March 28, 2007

One Deep Breath-Short and Sweet

suckling honeybee hangs on for dear life
indulging life's sweetest passion, creating nectar
for more haiku one liners, go here



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? Two of the best one-liner haikus I've read this week and I'm the first to comment?
Ok. So it's a little late. But hopefully the rest will check back and see what they've been missing.
I especially liked the second one (although they do make a complete statement together). Ah, to create the nectar of life, sort of what it's all about, no? (Kind of like the sexy Crayfish)
Very nice

Blogger Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Becca, your first one is so different in feel from your second one, which is so poetic, but they both create a strong visual for me.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooo la la...i especially like the "passion" and what you said without saying it...
(or maybe you weren't saying it and i was just thinking it but, hey, that's the beauty of open interpretation ;-)

Blogger Jone said...

These are so beautifully written and what a great photo.

Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

I almost missed the bee :) These were fabulous Becca. XXOO

Blogger Julie said...

These are truly little one-line gems. I'm so glad to see you keeping up with your writing in spite of your busy-ness.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... maybe not such a life-threatening dilemma when you can fly?

great imagery and double meaning.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

both are wonderful, but I am particularly fond of the first...

Blogger get zapped said...

Delightfully tasty one liners! The first one is splendid.

Blogger Naturegirl said...

Wonderful haiku and photo.
You have heard that the honey bees are dying mysteriously..a great concern for us all!What would nature do without our sweet bees!

Blogger Unknown said...

The first one speaks to me. I guess the suckling maternal image gets me every time.

Blogger Writer Bug said...

you and i must be on the same wavelength--the short story i'm working on this month is about bees!


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