Friday, June 9, 2006

Grateful Friday

Besides the fact that it's Friday, here are a few more things I'm grateful for...

School's Out!

The mouse that has been living a charmed life in my kitchen and avoiding all my effots to dispatch him seems to have disappeared...
The weather is absolutely gorgeous, Michigan at it's best with fresh breezes and blue skies...
My best friend is home from two weeks in Paris (lucky her!) and it's Girls Night Out tonight...

School's Out!

A package from Amazon arrived on my doorstep yesterday, containing the new Anne Tyler novel...
My favorite capri pants from last summer still fit...
The latest batch of medical records I'm supposed to review for my office job is not as big as I thought it was...

School's Out!

I was able to hang my sheets on the outside clothesline, so they smell delicious after spending the day drying in the sun...
I have no concerts this weekend...
I'm headed south tomorrow to see my son and daughter in law, and also to spend three days in Disney World with some dear friends and their eight year old daughter...

Did I mention - SCHOOL'S OUT!


Blogger paris parfait said...

oh, what fun! I loved reading your "Grateful Friday" items. Hope you have a wonderful trip - enjoy every moment that SCHOOL'S OUT! :)

Blogger Annie Jeffries said...

Oh, I'm inspired to do a grateful Friday for the first time. School is out for me too. Oh Joy!!

Blogger Jennifer S. said...

oh, so much to be grateful for. I need to start listing my gratefulness more often I think. I always love reading these things.

Blogger susanlavonne said...

you know I'm a teacher too and the "school's out" should stand out like like a harmonica in a string quartet but...WOW! I sure hope my favorite capris from last summer fit...they're in the dryer right now and I'll find out the verdict in the morning :-)

Enjoy your trip to WDW...and I am wondering if you got a bathing suit....


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