Sunday, October 1, 2006

One Deep Breath - Books

seem to
crowding the shelves
a rabbit warren of words

These are only two of the many overcrowded bookshelves in my house! Most of them are in the basement (hence the dark picture!) and have, I'm sort of ashamed to say, spilled over into heaps and piles on the floor, the desk, boxes, and, yes, even my husband's once loved pool table is now piled with books. I just can't help myself when it comes to these lovely repositories of words and ideas, so neatly packaged with their slick covers and clean smelling pages. It really doesn't seem as if I buy all that many - perhaps they truly are multiplying in secret down there in the dark!
Go here for more haiku about books



Blogger jzr said...

Very lovely, Becca! I think we have the same disease!

Blogger susanlavonne said...

"tomes" and "rabbit warren of word"...luscious, luscious, luscious!
love the photo too...are you sure you didn't sneak into my house to take that?! :-)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this! But, I have just the oppsite-my husband's books overflow into my shelves and computer room!

Blogger Julie said...

Love the "rabbit warren of words"--your haiku just get better week by week, Becca. It is difficult to resist a topic so near and dear.

Blogger Sue Seibert said...

Very nic, Becca! Also, thanks for visiting my blog.

Blogger Helen said...

My home is the same. The books seem to multiply overnight. Love Haiku that most of us can relate too.

Blogger JP (mom) said...

like other commentators have mentioned, I adore the line rabbit warren of words ...excellent!

Blogger Catherine said...

Oh, I'm sure they multiply all by themselves! If we ever have to move into a smaller house, I think I'll be shocked at how many books I've accumulated. Lovely poem and photo.

Blogger claireylove said...

great poem and i loved the sneak peek at your book shelf too!

Blogger Crafty Green Poet said...

I also can't resist the books but I can't allow the rabbit warren to become too literal - our rabbit does love to chew books if she gets the chance!

Blogger Linda said...

There is nothing I love more than books. My husband is mystified by my books piled all over the place as there is no room left in my book shelf. I am a book addict. It is just a real source of pleasure for me.

Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

Loved a view of the tomes ;) I give my books away because I'm not a big one on reading a book twice. Lovely poetry

Blogger Bibi said...

I can so relate! I'd be able to take three cruises a year with the money I spend on books ... but I'm addicted LOL.

Blogger Ian russell said...

nice to see a fib again. excellent poem, becca.

i can relate to being overrun with books, but now we've just joined an online bookswap community - there are more than two rabbits in the warren now, ha ha! i think some books you know you're probably never going to read again...but others might. :o)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful Becca. I love this and your picture. I also took a picture of my libraray - not yet as big as yours - but it's growing. And you know, I like it that way. It's better to have books spilling over the floor than chochki's. LOL.

Blogger Annie Jeffries said...

Oh my. and I thought I had the disease. You get first prize Becca.

Blogger Susannah Conway said...

i love this faiku - and it's so true... the rabbit warren of goodness, that's what i see when i see my books. we can never NEVER have too many! x


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