Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Write on Wednesday-Goody Bag

In the spirit of filling your Halloween bag with goodies, here are some of the writing related books, sites, and activities I've been devouring:

~Cafe Writing opened for business TODAY, so make sure you stop in. Cafe manager MissMeliss offers a menu of six creative options to suit any and all of your writing/artistic talents. The prompts are good for one month, so you may partake of any or all of them, posting your individual "entrees" on your own blog. I'm torn between trying option two, three, four or many savory choices!

~I stumbled on Writer Advice while looking for their interview with Gayle Brandeis. Not only advice is featured here- there are writing contests, interviews with writers and artists, and products. Lots of goodies to explore.

~My new friend, Michele, chronicles her experiences as a freelance writer at Writing the Cyber Highway. Michele inspires me with her positive attitude, as well as her writing advice.

~In my own personal "writer development training course," (which I chronicle in my other blog) I'm currently working my way through "Courage & Craft: Writing Your Life Into Story," by Barbara Abercrombie. This book offers super exercises and advice for writing personal essays in a no-nonsense, approachable fashion. Barbara also co-hosts Writing Time, one of my favorite places to go on the internet for writing tips and inspiration.

~I admit it - I'm a writing book junkie, and lying in wait on my bookshelf are these tasty goodies...Fruitflesh, by Gayle Brandeis, Writing Begins With the Breath, by Laraine Herring, and Making a Literary Life, by Carolyn See.

You now have lot of things to keep you busy and inspire you to Write On Wednesday.

So, what are you waiting for??

How about you? Have you found any inspiring writing sites, or read any good writing books lately?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, can you tell me how "Writing Begins with the breath" is? I am strongly pulled towards this book but I am trying so, so hard to resist the lure of buying more writing books LOL. But this one looks different (but I always say that!).

Thanks for the links, and I am off to follow them. Have you read "Self Storage" by Gayle Brandeis? I loved that book (AND she started the first draft during Nanowrimo...inspiration!).

Blogger Michele | aka Raw Juice Girl said...

Hi Becca,

Very informative and inspiring post! Makes me want to run and get the books you mention ;0)

I'll have to check out the links (and books)for sure!

Thanks for the link and nice words about my blog and me. I appreciate it.


I'm currently reading Jenna Glatzer's "The Street Smart Writer" as seen on my blog or her site

Keep writing, Becca, you're on your way!

Smiles & writing blessings,

P.S. I know what you mean about being a "writing book junkie." ha!

Blogger Christy Woolum said...

Thanks for all the "good stuff". I will come back and give book ideas. I can't wait to read more about this Wednesday Goody Bag!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I am so thankful you mentioned Barbara's blog. I used to read it about two years ago when I first started blogging. I have already the time she had just published a children's book I believe...I will have to check the book you mentioned out :)

Blogger Deirdre said...

I'll bookmark these sites to check later. Thanks for the recommendations.


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