Monday, September 18, 2006

One Deep Breath-Delicious Autumn

Summer's on the wane
green glory slipping into gold
harbinger of fall
A visual feast
nourishes my hungry soul
for the long winter

There's no doubt about it, autumn is here. Daylight arrives later and later, while dusk falls earlier and earlier. I've been keeping my eye on this tree, which grows more crimson every day. I love the colors of fall, along with all the other delights of the season - new sweaters, fires in the hearth, hearty soups for dinner, and snuggling under the covers at night. From now on, I'll be busy storing up all these delights in preparation for the dreary cold of winter.

for more haiku celebrating the deliciousness of autumn, go here


Blogger Jennifer S. said...

so lovely, I love soups and fires too! Definately my fav season!

Blogger jillypoet said...

"harbinger." Such a great word. Thanks for reminding me about soups! Another great fall thing. PS: How do you get your beautiful pictures on your blog?

Blogger Deirdre said...

This makes me almost want the colder weather. Almost.

Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

These were lovely and made me wantt to eat at your house this winter. LOL (no offense to my man).

Blogger Naturegirl said...

I am busy trying to store up all the vit. B from the last bit of sunshine on those bright fall sunny days. Then I'll take to soups and fireplace. Love your haiku and the photo.

Blogger Bibi said...

Great haiku ... I love the beginnings of fall. And it seems to have come all of a sudden this year.

Blogger claireylove said...

a visual feast of a photo you've shared with us there too - great post :-)

Blogger Kayt said...

beautiful poem for a beautiful photo :)

Blogger susanlavonne said...

the words you choose slay me every time :-) but the real charm of your writing is that you put them together so darn well! (that didn't sound TOO envious, did it? :-)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice, I love thinking of fall as a visual feast!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is such a beautiful time of the year. I loved your haiku.

Blogger Ian russell said...

yes, it's a good excuse to indulge in comforting food! i like a bit of cullen skink with rustic bread! ;o)

lovely haiku becca.

hey, you could photograph your tree in its various stages through autumn. might look nice grouped together.

Blogger Catherine said...

Soups and fires are some of the compensations of winter - but open fires will be banned here soon, too much air pollution. Lovely haiku.


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